Depressed? Snoring? They Could Be Connected!

Depression has been likened to living in a black bag. Life is dark, sad and isolated; but there may be a way to lift that black bag from off of your head and live life with a smile once again. If you’re a snorer and stop breathing for regular short intervals during sleep, you may…

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The Biggest Turn-Off While You’re Sleeping Could be Deadly!

Everybody knows snoring is probably the biggest turn-off in the bedroom. Being kept awake at night by someone who is blissfully unaware of the torture he or she is imposing is neither fun nor sexy. Obviously, however, it’s not a total deal-breaker, because many snorers are still married. That means there are a lot of…

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How Serious is Sleep Apnea?

All the time I hear people say they don’t wear their CPAP machines because they hate them. And I get it. It’s not my favourite thing either – except that it’s probably saving my life. Strapping on a goofy looking mask attached to a long hose isn’t the sexiest way to go to bed; but…

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Choose Your Weapon!

What will kill you first – smoking or snoring … or a mate who hates either? Not too many worries about a disgruntled mate because there are laws against murder – but there are no laws against death by smoking or sleep apnea. Both smoking and untreated OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) can lead to premature…

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