Let a soft, lambskin fleece Sleep & Spa Mask help you rest, focus your thoughts and eliminate distractions without touching your hair.
Sleep ‘N’ Spa Mask
For Travel & Flights, Spas & Relaxation
“I’ve been buying [the SLEEP COZY®] for years and years. I’ve also given them for gifts. I think they are amazing and I’m grateful to you for inventing them. I had been looking so long for something that would block out the light and not damage my hair. Thank you for making such a nifty product!”
— Alda Bell
Check out the Sleep Cozy power napper in the second half of this video!
Our 100% soft, polyester lambskin fleece Sleep 'n Spa Cozys are designed with our patented ear-loop design – no more band around the back of your head!
In a world filled with distractions, it can be difficult to totally relax or focus in times of meditation. Without a balance of rest and focus, it’s difficult to find the balance in life necessary for achieving one's full potential.
Setting aside time for rest, relaxation and meditation in a peaceful environment goes a long way towards finding peace on the inside. Quiet music can help settle thoughts as one relaxes. The SLEEP COZY® Sleep 'n Spa Mask is the perfect accessory for elimination of distractions.
The simple act of putting on a SLEEP COZY® Sleep 'n Spa Mask can assist in dedicating time to achieve balance, clarity, rest and relaxation.
The SLEEP COZY® Sleep 'n Spa Mask is made of soft, 100% genuine lambskin fleece and features our unique, patented ear-loop design, which eliminates the need for irritating head bands with their resulting "hat-head" issues.
Our masks are so light and soft, they bring a Cozy experience to your flight.
Do you ever get annoyed with the way the typical airline sleep mask gives you hat-head? You know - that annoying ridge around the back of your hair? Heavy masks can add to frustration and discomfort on a long flight.
A power nap is defined by Wikipedia as a short sleep which terminates before the occurrence of deep sleep or slow-wave sleep (SWS), intended to quickly revitalize the subject.
Whether you’re nodding off during the afternoon slump at the office, working a long, late shift, or fighting drowsiness while driving, scientists have found that taking a 15 or 20 minute power-nap can make you more
alert and productive.
The following steps will help you get the most power out of a power-nap:
- If you’re driving, stop the car before your nap. LOL
- Lean back in your chair or lie down and get comfortable.
- Set an alarm for 15 or 20 minutes so you won’t fear oversleeping.
- Wear a light, lambskin fleece SLEEP COZYTM Sleep 'n Spa Mask to eliminate most of the light and distractions
- If you drink a cup of coffee just before your nap, it will take the duration of your nap to go through your system and will make you less sleepy on waking.